How to choose the right Dream catcher

Confused about using a Dream Catcher? Here is all you need to know!

With a rich history steeped in spiritual beliefs, Dream catchers have always been considered sacred. For centuries, indigenous cultures have relied on dream catchers to filter out negative energies and promote peaceful slumber. Today, they have become widely accepted by various countries and have made the whole world their home. However, using a dream catcher goes beyond mere decoration; it involves a mindful approach.

Unlocking Positivity and Peace: A Guide to Using Dream Catchers

How to choose the right Dream catcher
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In the daily hustle bustle of our busy lives surrounded by the ceaseless hum of technology and obligations, dream catchers can help us have a few precious moments of calm and inner peace. If you’re looking to incorporate this symbol of serenity into your life, here’s a guide on how to use a dream catcher effectively.

Choosing the Perfect Dream Catcher

Dream catchers are not merely a decorative piece, they have a personal connection with you. Selecting a dream catcher is an intimate experience. Let your intuition guide you as you choose one dream catcher that resonates with your spirit. The size, colors, and materials used can vary, so opt for a design that speaks to you personally. We offer a wide range of options for you to choose from, browse here and find the one that you feel is made for you!

Placing the Dream Catcher

Where to hang a dream catcher
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The native Americans who are said to be the first ones introducing the concept of dream catcher insisted on hanging the dream catcher in a location where it can catch the first rays of morning light, such as near a window or above the bed. This symbolic connection with the natural world is said to infuse your dreams with positivity hence, positioning your dream catcher is crucial. Select a location that holds meaning for you, preferably within your line of sight. Whether it’s above your bed, near a window, or in a peaceful corner, the placement of your dream catcher matters. This spot will be the focal point for its energy-cleansing purpose.

Can Also include your Dream Catcher in your Bedtime Ritual

Dream catchers have long been used as a dream filter for newborn babies and the same can be used for adults as well. One can place them above their bed and can include them in their bedtime routine. Before going to sleep, take a moment to set an intention. It could be a peaceful night’s rest, positive dreams, or even problem-solving during the dream state. The act of intention-setting can subtly influence the subconscious mind. Spend a few moments meditating or practicing deep breathing while gazing at it. This can help ease the mind and signal the body that it’s time to relax and wind down.

Regular Cleansing The Dream Catcher 

How to cleanse the dream catcher
Picture Courtesy: Unsplash

Legends say just as dreams need refreshing, so does the dream catcher. Like any meaningful relationship, your bond with your dream catcher requires nurturing. Regularly dust it, perhaps during your weekly cleaning routine, to ensure it remains receptive to your intentions. Once a month, take a moment to gently cleanse it with the smoke of sage or palo santo sticks. This ritual helps to release any accumulated negative energy and maintain the dream catcher’s efficacy. 

Also In the morning, take a moment to reflect on your dreams and emotions. Acknowledge the positivity that has been invited into your life, and release any negativity that the dream catcher has intercepted!

Remember that while dream catchers hold cultural significance, their true power lies in the intentions and energy you infuse into them. Whether you’re seeking a restful night’s sleep or a more positive dream landscape, the dream catcher can serve as a tangible reminder of your aspirations. By integrating it into your bedtime routine and infusing it with positive energy, you’ll be well on your way to exploring the potential of your dream catcher and the boundless world of dreams.

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