What is a dream catcher

We bet you didn’t know this about a dream catcher

Swaying swiftly in a car or hanging elegantly on the wall, beautifully woven delicate designs have captured the fascination of people around the world. They need no introduction as we all recognise them in a single glance, you know we’re talking about none other than the beautiful Dream Catcher. Though very few of us know the deep meaning and spiritual history these wonderful creations carry. Today, we will embark on a captivating journey of unraveling the mystique of dream catchers!

Dream Catcher, What is that?

Meaning, Origin and History of a Dream Catcher
Image Courtesy: Trendyhandmade.in

A ​​popular symbol in modern spirituality, dream catcher is a traditional talisman from native America that is believed to protect against bad dreams and negative energies. Traditionally made of a handmade willow hoop with a thread web, replicating a spider’s web, filling in the space inside, decorated with sacred items like beads and feathers. 

Legends Of The Dream Catcher

What is a dream catcher
Image Courtesy: Wikimedia

The roots of the dream catcher trace a long way back in history and has two legends surrounding its spiritual beliefs. One goes to Native America in 1929 to Obijawe people. They tell a story of a spider woman,”Asibaikaashi”, who watched over the children and protected them from any harm. For the safety of infants, she would weave a web above the cradle. And just like a spider’s web catches whatever comes in contact with it, it would catch all the negative energy and bad dreams. 

But, as the tribe grew, she shared her wisdom with the women of the tribe to weave the web for her safeguarding the children. As it would catch dreams, it got its name – Dream Catcher. The dream catcher’s design, featuring a hoop with a woven web in its center, symbolizes the cycle of life. The hoop represents unity and completeness, while the web is meant to catch and filter bad dreams, letting only good dreams pass through. The feathers and beads attached to the web are said to attract positive energy.

The other legend brings a different perspective but the same spiritual belief. According to Lakota people, a wise spirit, Iktomi, appears in front of the leader of the tribe. While sharing his wisdom on human life, he weaves a web in a hoop and gives it to the leader. He advises him to share it with his tribe. The web caught their good thoughts and ideas and the negative thoughts would pass through the center of the web. According to them, dream catcher not only protects them from bad energy, but also fosters their positive ideas and holds their destiny.

Dream Catchers in Modern Context

Modern Dream Catcher
Image Courtesy: Trendyhandmade.in

Dream catchers became widely popular in Pan- Indian movement – a philosophical and political approach promoting unity, and were widely recognised as “native crafts items” in the 1980’s. Finding admirers in various countries and cultures worldwide, dream catcher was greeted with a warm welcome throughout the world. Different regions have developed their own interpretations and traditions surrounding dream catchers, making them a symbol of unity among diverse communities.

Dream catchers have also made their way into contemporary art, literature, and films. They have become potent symbols of mindfulness, spirituality, and the pursuit of positive energy, inspiring a sense of peace and tranquility in those who own them.

This beautiful art has made its way to the online world as well. If you are looking for a best place to buy dream catcher online in India at best price, you know where to find us!

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